Andrew Soucier Andrew Soucier

Welcoming the Holy

Here we invite you to take time for yourself in personal prayer. The following spiritual reflection offers words and images which we hope will evoke for you an experience of God.

By: Sister Joan Sobala

“Your presence, O Lord, I seek..”  Psalm 27.8     

Opening Prayer

Tender God, I thank You for the breadth and depth of Lent. Help me to use it well to prepare for the Easter burst of new life in Christ. This week in particular, may I look on the face of Your Son and be willing to make the journey with Him to Jerusalem – to death and new life.  Help me to recognize His face everywhere as I make my way through this week. Amen.


Today’s version of the Transfiguration Story is from Luke. Only in Luke do we find revealed the content of the conversation among Moses, Elijah and Jesus. Together, they looked to Jesus making His way to Jerusalem, His death and new life.  


You and I have been to our own mountains – places and times when something happened that has changed us forever – moments which we can’t even name and can’t grasp with clarity, moments we can’t even cling to. We, too, have been to the mountain with others, people with whom we have shared the power of the moment. Their presence has strengthened and encouraged us. 

Mountain top experiences are not destinations. Not for Jesus. Not for us. Like Jesus and His disciples, we must descend from the mountain to pick up the work at hand, namely, to grapple with the demons that threaten to destroy people – grappling with the tools of faith. 

So let’s go. We have only fullness of life to gain by going with Jesus. 

Closing Prayer

Creator God, as we come down the mountain with Jesus, help us to take in all the Holy One offers us by His example. Help us be ready to continue our Lenten journey, so that we can grow closer to You whose love for us becomes clearer as we live ever growing faithful love and service. Amen. 

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