Andrew Soucier Andrew Soucier

Welcoming the Holy

Here we invite you to take time for yourself in personal prayer. The following spiritual reflection offers words and images which we hope will evoke for you an experience of God.

By: Sister Susan Schantz


Philippians 1

Brothers and sisters:
I pray always with joy in my every prayer for all of you, because of your partnership for the gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work in you will continue to complete it 
until the day of Christ Jesus. God is my witness, 
how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus. And this is my prayer: that your love may increase ever more and more.


We are used to praying for those who are ill or lost, for sinners (including ourselves), for those who do not believe. Inspired by Paul’s Thanksgiving prayer, let us pray our own thanks today for helpers who do good works for believers whose faith inspires us for encouraging leaders and friends.


Dear God,

We give thanks for the gifts of hope and encouragement You share through the ones who are full of your grace. Keep us from ever-darkness. Hold us in the great hands of light.

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